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13651918961 | 021-50886061
  • 联系人| 潘小姐
  • 联系电话| 021-50886061
  • 联系手机| 13651918961
  • 主营产品| jacob电缆接头,贝迪标签,harting连接器,hawke防爆格兰,液压连接器
  • 单位地址| 上海市三灶工业园宣秋路139号1号楼4层
jacob尼龙锁紧螺母(jacob nylon lock nut)
>> configuration
hexagonal locknut:polyamide pa6 v-0
connecting thread:metric, as per en 60423
>> properties
for secure tightening of cable glands and accessories
for superior claims on firing protection
classified polyamide materials from the classes i2 and f2 according to the french standard nf f 16-101
temperature range:-20°c/+100°c
glow wire test:+850°c, at 0,8 mm wall thickness
>> features
ral 9005
a sw1 h part no.

mm mm piece
m12x1,5 17 5 100 50.212 pa/flsw
m16x1,5 22 5 100 50.216 pa/flsw
m20x1,5 27 6 100 50.220 pa/flsw
m25x1,5 32 6 100 50.225 pa/flsw
m32x1,5 41 7 100 50.232 pa/flsw
m40x1,5 50 7 50 50.240 pa/flsw
m50x1,5 60 8 50 50.250 pa/flsw
m63x1,5 75 8 50 50.263 pa/flsw
ral 7032
a sw1 h part no.

mm mm piece
m12x1,5 17 5 100 50.212 pa/fl
m16x1,5 22 5 100 50.216 pa/fl
m20x1,5 27 6 100 50.220 pa/fl
m25x1,5 32 6 100 50.225 pa/fl
m32x1,5 41 7 100 50.232 pa/fl
m40x1,5 50 7 50 50.240 pa/fl
m50x1,5 60 8 50 50.250 pa/fl
m63x1,5 75 8 50 50.263 pa/fl
ral 9005
a sw1 h part no.

mm mm piece
m12x1,5 17 5 100 50.212 pa/sw
m16x1,5 22 5 100 50.216 pa/sw
m20x1,5 27 6 100 50.220 pa/sw
m25x1,5 32 6 100 50.225 pa/sw
m32x1,5 41 7 100 50.232 pa/sw
m40x1,5 50 7 50 50.240 pa/sw
m50x1,5 60 8 50 50.250 pa/sw
m63x1,5 75 8 50 50.263 pa/sw
     关键词: jacob电缆接头 - 贝迪标签 - HARTING连接器 - hawke防爆格兰 - 液压连接器

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