喷码机墨水和溶剂都是有腐蚀性的,所以要尽量避免不要沾染皮肤 石膏板喷码机,眼睛,鼻子等.如果不慎滴入,请迅速用大量的清水冲洗一刻钟,如果清洗后感觉不适清理急-.多数墨水都含有很容易挥发并被人吸入肺部的成分。所以在喷码机使用的现场必须--的通风设备。 ebs250性能参数 喷印高度: 10--27mm 喷印速度:根据手的速度同步进行 ebs250山东手持喷码机,ebs-250山东手持喷码机 管材喷码机,ebs 250山东手持油墨喷码机400-607-7550。 喷印内容: 中/英文、数字、图形、流水号、当前日期、时间等各种符号 喷印距离:可调节 喷印信息长度: 1300字符 墨水颜色: 黑/白/红/绿/蓝色等等(另外可选防伪墨水或uv墨水) 工作温度: 0.5-40度 信息存储:10条文本
we offer comprehensive solutions for all your product marking, labelling&coding needs. our non-contact systems facilitate the fast printing of texts 喷码机, graphic images&barcodes as well as the dating, numbering 钢管喷码机, coding&printing of data transferre from computers&external devices such as automatic scales, barcode readers&control equipment. by using the latest non-contact printing technology, firm print marking can be produced on a variety of material&surface types-even on coarse/porous surfaces/those containing depressions/protrusions. our print-heads comprise between1and352nozzles. their output varies in ht= from1.5mm to about115mm&is produced using between 5&64 independent dots.