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13091176335 | 0318-2111423
  • 联系人| 段经理
  • 联系电话| 0318-2111423
  • 联系手机| 13091176335
  • 主营产品| 橡胶止水带,橡胶支座,桥梁伸缩缝,聚硫密封胶,橡胶止水条
  • 单位地址| 河北省衡水市桃城区



gqf-c type bridge expansion joint device is adapted to the sewing device adopts the whole hot rolling 16mn shaped steel type.gqf-c bridge expansion device a new type of bridge expansion of highway bridge construction in our country, to overcome the extrusion spe-l-shaped steel straightness&set size uneven device, comprehensive technical performance&technical indicators have reached/exceeded the international advanced products the horizontal seam type gqf-c bridge expansion, structure&spe-l-shaped steel rolling are the first domestic transportation industry will become the standard recommended products.
gqf-c type bridge expansion joint device features: low building ht=, homemade hot rolled profiled steel forming the overall ht= of only 50mm, has the advantages of - structure, convenient installation, obvious reliability, comfort&durability. suitable for pavement thickness is equal to/greater than 80mm&less than/equal to a variety of bridge expansion of 80mm, both for the convenience of the old bridge telescopic device replacement,&can be used for the new bridge built in use.
the intermediate device of rubber sealing strip&the technical requirements of gqf-c type bridge expansion joints: the chloroprene rubber (cr) sealing expansion device&temperatures for rubber belts for -25 -+60 deg c area. the use of natural rubber (nr) sealing telescopic rubber belt joint device applicable to the temperature of -40 deg -+60 deg area. device is used widely applied to various engineering seam type gqf-c bridge expansion produced by our company

one characteristic of le expansion joint is rigid anchorage , which means that the quality of anchoring directly affects the life of expansion joint. the anchoring metal plate acts as the main transfer force. the anchorage device after fatigue test is directly welded on the side beam.
at the same time, the side beam is rigidly connected with the superstructure of the bridge to ensure the maximum traffic load of the expansion joint. it is not feasible to connect the other expansion joints with screws/bolts to the superstructure of bridges in the long term. in this respect, the expansion joint has been one step ahead of the design, separating the two functions of bearing&waterproofing,&dealing with them one by one, which is more conducive to the strengthening&perfection of the two functions.

one of the other advantages of the expansion joint is the complete waterproof, which is to effectively insert the neoprene sealing strip into the groove of the side beam, so as to ensure complete waterproof. at the same time, a - tool can be used to replace it on the bridge deck/to repair it with vulcanizing method.
under the protection of the side beam, the sealing strip does not suffer the direct rolling of the wheel,&its v type structure can play the role of self cleaning sediment. the seal bar can resist both tension&lateral&vertical displacement. in contrast, the leakage of the expansion joint will cause some damage to the bridge structure.





     本公司主营: 橡胶止水带 - 橡胶支座 - 桥梁伸缩缝 - 聚硫密封胶 - 橡胶止水条

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