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13917909444 | 02169575760
  • 联系人| 林嘉彬
  • 联系电话| 02169575760
  • 联系手机| 13917909444
  • 主营产品| 进口水泵,进口潜水泵,进口潜水排污泵,进口潜水搅拌机,进口潜水曝气机
  • 单位地址| 上海市徐汇区龙漕路51弄1604
上海凡而阀门有限公司为您提供进口三螺杆泵欧洲-品牌。进口三螺杆泵进口三螺杆泵技术参数:import three screw pump technical parameter:流量:0.4-360m3/h 压力:1.0-2.5mpa 进口口径:25-400mm出口口径:20-300mm 转速:970-2900r/min 功率:0.75-250kw材质:铸铁、不锈钢进口三螺杆泵工作原理:working principle of imported three screw pump:由于各螺杆的相互啮合以及螺杆与衬筒内壁的紧密配合,在泵的吸入口和排出口之间,就会被分隔成一个或多个密封空间。because of the mutual engagement of the screws&the close fit between the screw&the inner wall of the liner, there is one/more sealing spaces between the suction port&the discharge port of the pump.随着螺杆的转动和啮合,这些密封空间在泵的吸入端不断形成,将吸入室中的液体封入其中,并自吸入室沿螺杆轴向连续-移至排出端,将封闭在 各空间中的液体不断排出,-一螺母在螺纹回转时被不断向前推进的情形那样,其中螺纹圈数看做液体,当螺钉旋转时螺纹在转动时就相当于液体在螺杆泵里面的情形,这就是螺杆泵的基本工作原理。进口三螺杆泵应用领域:application field of imported three screw pump:进口三螺杆泵广泛应用于石油、化纤、冶金、机械、电力、机床、船舶、玻璃、公路等各行各业。进口三螺杆泵适用于输送燃料油、润滑油、液压油、原油、沥青及其它类似油的润滑油和润滑性液体。进口三螺杆泵在工业领域中作润滑泵,在液压系统中作液压泵,在燃油系统中作输送及增压泵,在输油系统中作输送及加油泵。产品详情:http://www.twvalve.net/html/2984.html进口三螺杆泵优点:advantages of imported three screw pumps:1.和离心泵相比螺杆泵无需安装阀们流量是稳定的线性流动2. 和柱塞泵相比螺杆泵具有自吸能力强、吸入高度强3.和隔膜泵相比螺杆泵可输送各种混合杂质含有气体及固体颗粒或纤维的介质,也可输送各种腐蚀性物质4.和柱塞泵,隔膜泵及齿轮泵不同的是,螺杆泵可用于药剂填充和计量。1. compared with centrifugal pumps, screw pumps do not need to install valves, flow is a stable linear flow2. compared with the plunger pump, screw pump has strong self-priming ability, high suction ht=3. compared with the diaphragm pump, screw pump can transport a variety of mixed impurities containing gas&solid particles/fiber medium, also can transport a variety of corrosive substances4.&piston pump, diaphragm pump&gear pump is different, screw pump can be used for pharmaceutical filling&metering.进口三螺杆泵特点及选用:(1)介质为直线连续输送,无搅拌,无脉动;(2)震动小,噪音低;(3)高压力,-;(4)结构简单,拆装方便;(5)磨损轻微,-。德国巴赫是德国-的水泵制造及水泵系统服务商之一,巴赫集团在德国专为“水系统问题”提供-解决方案,凭借其丰富经验与德-严谨,一丝不苟的精神,提供一站式由设计、制造、销售、安装、维护之全包式服务。bach pump(巴赫)系德国bach集团-的亚洲-战略品牌,作为重要分支机构的工厂,全面负责以德国制造精神在产品线,以及亚洲区域的市场开发、产品销售、技术支持和售后服务。随着公司规模的不断扩大,公司产品和业务也涉及到各个领域:公共工程、隧道、土木、采矿、污水处理、供水设备等。因其品-、价格合适、服务有-、符合市场需求等品牌基因优势,并开启其逐鹿泵品牌市场的-。german bach is one of germanys leading water pump manufacturing&pump system service providers, bach group in germany for to provide quality solutions for water system, with its rich experience&professional german rigorous, strict in demands of the spirit, to provide one-stop from design, manufacturing, sales, installation&maintenance of all inclusive service. bach pump (bach) asian department of the german bach group leading high-quality brand strategy, as an important branch of the organization responsible for the german manufacturing factory, with spirit in the product line, as well as the asian regional market development, product sales, technical support&customer service service. with the continuous expansion of the companys scale, the companys products&services also involve various fields: public works, tunnels, civil engineering, mining, sewage treatment, water supply equipment, etc.. because of its high quality, price, service guarantee, meet the market demand&other brand gene advantages,&start its pursuit of chinese pump brand market journey.

     本公司主营: 进口水泵 - 进口潜水泵 - 进口潜水排污泵 - 进口潜水搅拌机 - 进口潜水曝气机

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