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首页 > 江苏企业信息网 > 机械及工业制品 > 弹簧 > <上一个   下一个>


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13912661852 | 0512-57791888
  • 联系人| 彭广成
  • 联系电话| 0512-57791888
  • 联系手机| 13912661852
  • 主营产品| 碟形弹簧,模具弹簧,氮气弹簧,联合弹簧,卡簧挡圈
  • 单位地址| 江苏省昆山市玉山镇人民南路建滔中心3号楼803室
昆山钜瑞斯五金制品有限公司为您提供德国sefkospring双层螺旋主轴弹簧可替换roehrs29.5-16-85。German SEFKO double coil spring, the professional term Helical disc spring, consists of two identical flat line compression springs by screw tightening to achieve a similar section to the coil set. Continuous flat line structure avoids the molecular structural damage caused by the stamping parts, thus enhancing the durability of the component, while reducing the risk of dislocation and fragmentation of the disc spring plates. The increase in load is proportional to the bending stress of the spiral spring steel. We can also realize the tilt winding of the coil disc spring, to show the characteristics of the compression spring, while achieving the high load characteristics of the disc spring group.
Compared with the ordinary disc spring combination, SeFko double spiral spring basic advantages:
A single component design, not divided into separate pieces, to avoid the phenomenon of dislocation in the use of the traditional disc group;
Assembly and maintenance are easier to operate and at low cost;
With a small outer diameter to achieve an ultra-high spring load, low elastic hysteresis;
Avoid the wrong force value due to the wrong stacking mode or oil coating;
Continuous steel strip structure makes a more lasting performance;
High operational security,
Spring performance can be designed according to customer requirements;
Avoid friction between spring and guide rod or sleeve and allow guide rod operation;
Adapt to the extreme working environment and temperature changes;
Flexible and economical production capacity accepts any number of orders;
Specification & Category:
All the specifications of German SEFKO double spiral spring are fixed products (customized), and the specifications in the market are carefully designed products of each brand. To protect the interests of the spindle manufacturer, all the new designed products, we will treat the specifications confidential. Ensure that the service sales of the spindle manufacturers are effectively guaranteed.
Extensive used:
SEFKO double spiral spring in Germany is mainly used in the main axis of the core parts of machine tools. At present, this product has been commonly used in the high-speed spindle in Europe and the United States. In addition, steel mills, brake systems, valves, oil rigs and nuclear power.

     本公司主营: 碟形弹簧 - 模具弹簧 - 氮气弹簧 - 联合弹簧 - 卡簧挡圈

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